Thursday 25 August 2011

The Great Wall of Bitterne

Things are moving on nicely (as in, no more major disasters to report). Our retaining wall is going up, and we've had no more landslides.  Unfortunately the rain has continued.... every blinkin' day! As my builder said, "..on a job like this you just have to have rain" I think that means he is enjoying himself.

Anyway, here's one of the wall - 4 courses done on Monday.

The Wall consists of two rows of concrete blocks, with a gap in between them
for the steel reinforcements, then the gap is filled with concrete. Its 40cm wide.  
I don't have any bus references for you, but it's a lot of concrete.

Work continues, this on Wednesday, going up to 8 courses.

The next picture is of a rather special brick
My Dad found this beauty on ebay.
- I guess it makes a bit more sense if you know we live on Braeside Close.
So we just had to squeeze it into The Wall.
(Hoping for a small discount from the Builders for supplying materials)

Special brick cemented in place in its new home
for many years to come (landslides permitting).

When I got home from work today the builders had re-discovered the concrete footings for the extension. They had been buried under the landslide mud... so its nice to see them again :)
Tomorrow, they plan to start building on these footings in preparation for the block and beam floor. Yes, thats right - A floor!!! 

Lets hope my life (& my house) will soon feature slightly less mud. 

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